Virtual Event

Virtual Event Software

Do you feel part of something and stay engaged with an event you are not physically attending is a common problem? We at Maple Software Creation will develop the very best virtual engagement tech to inject the ingredient that’s missing from many virtual events for you.

Media virtual fair solutions

Media Virtual Fair Solutions

Hybrid Event:
  • Hybrid event is a combination of Offline Physical Fair and Online Virtual Fair. It is also known as "Digital Twin" Virtual Fair and this fair is carried out by using our own 4D Virtual Tour solution to capture the physical space. Digital Twin Virtual Fair is also extension of physical fair and will have more audience with 24 x 7 exhibition.

Virtual Event:
  • Virtual event is purely Online Virtual Fair with immersive virtual rendering which used to create purely virtual runway show. It is cost effective and reaches new target audience as it has no spatial restriction.

Key Components of Virtual Event

  • Registration
  • Main Hall for opening or closing ceremony
  • Auditorium and breakout sessions for Webinar
  • Virtual Hall outside view
  • Showcase Products or Communicate with customers & partners etc.
  • Post-event Analystics
Virtual event key components
Virtual event features summary

Virtual Event Features Summary

Fully Customizable:
  • A custom landing page keeps your logo, your color, and your corporate brand top of mind. Besides, customized booth design with choices is also provided.

Full Immersive Interactive Experience:
  • Provide 4D virtual tour with immersive walkthrough and 3D viewers of products are able to see all the angel and details in the virtual fair.

Conversation with Interactivity Tools:
  • What makes the virtual event experience so special? Booth representatives can engage with visitors via text, audio or video chat in real time. Hence, it allows a webinar to showcase or persent your company and products.

Reliable Metrics & Analytics:
  • Track performance, analyze accurate data in real-time. With reports and graphs to show you attendance rates and viable candidate participation.

Event Platforms

Live Chat:
  • In virtual event, dynamic chats functions and chat dashboard is provided for live chating between participants.

  • An in-built cloud conferencing which support one-one one and one to many video conference. In conferencing, live chat, moderator and speaker dashboard, as well as Q&A submittion are provided.

Business Matching:
  • Allows you to match your interest and business with the right buyers by AI matching or dynamic search and display.

  • Track leads or opportunities with gamifaction.
Event platforms
Use of virtual event for people

Use of Virtual Event For Different Participant

For Organiser:
  • Enhance brand influence, corporate profitability, industry competitiveness, exhibition innovation.

For Exhibitor:
  • Promote or showcase products, enhance customer engagement, generate leads or opportunities, engagement with partner or players in the ecosystem, industry information collection.

For Audience:
  • Engage with finalist and partners anytime and anywhere, collect information and expand business cooperation opportunities.

Benefits of Virtual Event

Eliminate the logistics and limitations of in-person events:
  • By hosting the event online, it is possible for people around the world to attend, engage, and build relationships expanding the geographic and cultural diversity of participants, quality of presenters, and reach of sponsors.

No time limited:
  • Unlike an in-person event, a virtual event is not required to pack everything into one full day. It can create more value to attendees by staging out the information, networking, and other benefits of an event over multiple days or interactions.

Eliminate the costs associated by in-person events for both attendees and conference organizers:
  • They are not necessarily viewed as any less valuable by participants, sponsors, or speakers. In fact, because virtual events can pull from people all over the world and aren’t limited by time, they are increasingly becoming more valuable to those who sign up and participate.
Virtual event benefits
Virtual event example

Virtual Event Example

Trade shows, seminars, and summits can all be livestreamed, hosted, or broadcast online. Virtual conferences tend to follow the format of on-the-ground conferences, with panel discussions, keynote speakers, and even online happy hours are offered via video conference.